Microcontroller’s abbreviation
In daily’s development,abbreviations are normal in judging different usages.It can be important to know the abbreviations’ full names.And I will update for a long time in this pages.
Signal Processing:
PWM - Pulse Width Modulation 脉冲宽度调制
CCP - Capture Compare PWM 捕获比较脉宽调制
PCA - Programmable Counter Array 可编程计数器阵列
Serial Communication Protocols:
SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface Bus 串行外设接口 : SCLK - Serial Clock 串列时脉 ; MOSI - Master Output Salve Input 主机输出从机输入 ; MISO - Master Input Salve Output 主机输入从机输出到 ; SS - Salve Selected 从机选择。
IIC Bus - Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus 集成电路总线 : SDA - Serial Data Line 串行数据线 ; SCL - Serial Clock Line 串行时钟线。
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 通用异步收发传输器 : VCC - Voltage Common Collector 电压公共收集器 ; GND - Ground 接地 ; TX - Transmit 传送 ; RX - Receive 接收。
CAN Bus - Controller Area Network Bus局域网控制器总线。
本文标题:Microcontroller’s abbreviation
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